European Dancehouse Network is pleased to announce we have been selected for the European Union funding (Network Strand) with the project EDNext 2022-2024. Find a summary of the objectives and the upcoming activities below. This would not have been possible without the input from our members and their constructive ideas.


Building on the success of its two previous European Networks projects, the European Dancehouse Network (EDN) will continue to expand the reach and impact of both its network and activities with its new Creative Europe funded project EDNext 2022 - 2024.

Through capacity-building, networking, knowledge & skills exchange, research and advocacy actions, EDNext will contribute to the realisation of a more sustainable and inclusive European dance sector that creates positive impact for contemporary dance professionals and organisations, local communities and audiences, and society more broadly.

EDN’s central mission for 2022-2024 is to discuss, implement and promote sustainable ways of working in and with the contemporary dance sector by facilitating cooperation between European contemporary dance professionals, organisations, other stakeholders and partners. To this end, EDNext facilitates a space for exchange to address current themes and challenges collectively and promote the relevance of contemporary dance in societies.

In particular, EDNext will focus on three specific, interconnected themes: Sustainability (in 2022), Equity (2023) and Well-Being (2024). 


EDNext will include several different types of activities that we have tried and tested in our previous projects.


Atelier is a platform of workshops, trainings and other meetings designed for sector professionals (dancers, choreographers, dramaturgs, curators, dance administrators and leaders, etc.) and cross-sectoral peers to engage a wide range of relevant topics and themes. Ateliers have two strands, one focused on training and increasing competencies and knowledge within the network and sector and one focused on tackling topics through think tanks and colloquiums, inviting expert and public participation. 

Carte Blanche 

Carte Blanche Staff Exchange creates opportunities for EDN members' administrative staff to visit other members and share knowledge, experience and best practices, increasing professional and organisational capacities. Carte Blanche Artists Exchange is an opportunity for artists to exchange their artistic practice and develop new ways of working, sharing views and experiences with working conditions and existing structures in the contemporary dance field. Carte Blanche is part of EDNext’s capacity building strand.


Encounter provides opportunities for EDN members to visit and exchange best practices and stimulate creativity with dance professionals and organisations outside the Network, mainly outside Europe. New in EDNext will also be the opportunity to invite partners to come to Europe, creating a two-way flow. Of particular importance here is the network's intention to shift away from a Eurocentric perspective and to embrace a model of collaboration and knowledge sharing that recognises and celebrates the wealth of experience and expertise elsewhere in the world. 


Each year, the project aims to investigate important thematic topics relevant to the sector and disseminate the findings. The research and publication draws from documentation of thematic activities (Ateliers, Forums, working group meetings), data collection methods in creating inventory of good practices and proposes a list of policy recommendations. Selected findings are used for the yearly advocacy campaign that leads towards the end-of-the-year online conference.

EDN Think-in

EDN Think-in is a yearly strategic planning meeting involving all members and dancehouse leaders who actively participate in the steering of the network by taking part in its research and advocacy efforts, sharing and informing on the recent developments locally, nationally and internationally within the sector and beyond.


Based on the data collected from the research, the EDN curatorial team chooses the topic for the campaign, raising awareness about a thematically relevant issue. The campaign is launched together with the research publication and builds toward the final annual conference to present the outcomes.


The yearly closing online event with participants from within and beyond the network and sector, addressing burning issues for the sector as well as for society and culture more broadly and presenting the outcomes of all annual project activities. The conference is particularly focused on reaching and exchanging knowledge and best practices with those outside the network and sector, in particular policy-makers and stakeholders, critical for ensuring the awareness about the sector and its ongoing relevance.


We are delighted to further develop our partnership and coordinated efforts in sustaining a continuous development of contemporary dance in Europe.

Moving the New Artist Residency Programme

Dance House Lemesos announces the call for Moving the New artist residency programme. The programme is open to artists or groups of artists from Cyprus or abroad, active in the field of choreography/performance/physical theatre.


Equity in Dance

ateliers recap

A series of EDN workshops exploring practices of equity in contemporary dance - reports and podcasts are now published.


Dance Counts

living & working conditions in dance

Dance Ireland with Theatre and Dance NI have launched the Dance Counts Report, a major undertaking of research over the last three years into living and working conditions in the dance sector on the island of Ireland.


What Makes You Disabled?

Video Podcasts

Three video podcasts documenting a 4-day exchange of artistic practices, led by disabled artists collective Al.Di.Qua & hosted by EDN member Lavanderia a Vapore.
