EDN Publications


Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary Dance: Emerging Issues, Practices and Recommendations. (2022)

Across Europe, dance organisations and the arts in general are increasingly concerned with environmental sustainability. As part of its EDNext 2022-2024 programme, the European Dancehouse Network has focused on the issue of environmental sustainability in its first year. The publication provides the context, references and examples of where and how dance intersects with environmental sustainability, and which set of actions can lead to effective action. 

With the support of: Co-funded by the European Union.



EDN Campaign 2022 Document

As part of its EDNext 2022-2024 programme, the European Dancehouse Network has focused on the issue of environmental sustainability in its first year. The EDN campaign document presents concrete actions and ideas to engage the contemporary dance sector in Europe, its advocates, funders and stakeholders in a common movement for a sustainable future. 

With the support of: Co-funded by the European Union.



Global Dance: EDN’s Work Across Borders (2021)

EDN commissioned researchers Fanny Bouquerel and Cristina Farinha to investigate the key conditions for more sustainable international relations in the dance field and how dance could contribute to EU’s external relations. This first overview builds upon the various existing studies carried out by colleague organisations as well as the many conversation happening in the dance field, and draw recommendations for public authorities and the dance sector.

With the support of: Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, DEN - Dutch national knowledge institute for culture & digitalisation, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.


Dance Mobility in Times of Fracture: Experiencing the Framework of Fragility (2021)

EDN commissioned this piece from the cultural mobility information network On the Move and its team of researchers Milica Ilic, Marie Le Sourd and John Ellingsworth. The aim has been to collect some of the existing evidence, giving an overview of European dance mobility before the crisis, as well as to investigate the latest trends and needs through an analysis of current activity. This initial research then allows us to formulate recommendations for decision makers and dance stakeholders.

With the support of: Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, DEN - Dutch national knowledge institute for culture & digitalisation, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.


Dance and Well-being (2021)

As part of its ‘Fit for the Future’ series of publications, EDN commissioned researcher Jordi Baltà Portolés (Trànsit Projectes) to collect some of the existing evidence of positive impact of dance, alongside testimonials from artists, in order to present a typology of practices and formulate recommendations for public authorities and the dance sector.

With the support of: Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, DEN - Dutch national knowledge institute for culture & digitalisation, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.


Virtualised Dance? (2021)

EDN commissioned researcher Marie Fol to investigate the artistic dimension of digital shift since March 2020, to analyse the numerous experiences collected recently, and to see what key conditions would enable a value-driven and integrated digital dimension for dance makers, dance enablers, and dance audiences. From the analysis of challenges and needs, EDN provides a series of recommendations, both to the dance field and to policy-makers, to pave the way to new opportunities and (cross) sectoral collaborations.

Download Full Paper and Executive Summary

With the support of: Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, DEN - Dutch national knowledge institute for culture & digitalisation, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

European Dancehouses in Times of Covid-19 (2020)

The European Dancehouse Network, together with the Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, produced the report with the results of the survey "EDN in Times of Covid-19", in which 38 dance houses from 23 different countries participated. The findings provide a good insight into the direct economic impact, adaptation of dance houses in general, internal management, programming, production, residencies and their relationships with local communities, artists and partners, as well as the main challenges ahead.

Dance, Audience & Society
Visions on building sustainable relations with citizens (2020)

The articles in Dance, Audience and Society refect on the importance of organisational history and experience when engaging with audiences, as well as the use (or not) of physical dance houses. In the process, they share innovative strategies and new ways of thinking about audiences and how to establish meaningful relationships with them.

State of the Art of EDN (2019)

In the period 2018-2021, EDN was pro-actively seeking expertise from universities and the cultural sectors, to undertake studies related to aspects of contemporary dance practice. Working with the Fitzcarraldo Foundation, EDN developed research which aimed to provide data collection and analysis in the field of dance. A specific part of the study includes an analysis on the impact of being part of a network for individual dancehouses and their dance context. 

A Hundred. Mapping contemporary dance resources in Europe (2015/2016)

64 artists and representatives from dance organisations and festivals across Europe participated in the preliminary study through 5 workshops that were held between April and November 2015 coinciding with outstanding international dance meetings. The data analysis and criteria selection was undertaken later on by the research coordinators resulting in 161 international resources documented.