My visit to Mercat de les Flors was made within the frame of the staff exchange. My main aim was to develop personal skills within the project's area by sharing experience and to learn more about the settlements, writing applications and sources of obtaining international grants.

During my three-day-stay in Barcelona, I had the possibility to get to know how Mercat de les Flors company functions during individual meetings with the local staff on each level. I have gained knowledge about all mechanism which are important in EU projects, i.e. application, realisation and reporting. Also, my visit to an external company was very important part as I was received with great enthusiasm.

I have experienced great hospitality which has in turn helped me to see things from a new perspective. I have seen new windows which we can open and more possibilities we can use.

Marta Harasimowicz
Project Coordinator / Performative Program at Art Stations Foundation Poznań
23 November 2015

Mercat de les Flors

Casa de la Dansa

Barcelona I Spain

Art Stations Foundation

Artistic director I Joanna Leśnierowska
Poznań I Poland

Founding member of the association in May 2009